27 March 2011

The Sets in the Lord Of The Rings Trilogy

This is an outdoor set that was built into the landscape of NZ.
All the house fronts are false and the interiors were built

The interior sets were bulit twice on two different scales to give the illusion of a hobbit to human ratio with the actors.

Each set was made identically and EVERYTHING within the home was made twice,, identically but on two different scales. This was so when Sir
Ian McKellan filmed his role of gandalf he looked enormous in the hobbit scaled home. When Sir Ian Holm filmed his part he was in a 'normal' sized set and looked right size within its walls. Weta work shop then proceeded to edit the two shots together using green screen and some other camera angle shots to create the final film.

A shot of them at a table in the kitchen having tea is really cleverly done. The table appears to be whole as it tracks across from gandalf to bilbo, but its actually moving on a track so that when the camera pans round it seems still whole. This gets around the fact that the actors are two different sizes and are sitting far apart to seem different sizes.

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